June 10, 2013 5:00 pm
Present: Brian Mattiello, Chairman, Paul Summers, Secretary, Gerry Carbone, Jennifer Ives-Groebl, Jack FitzGerald and Gary Mercier.
Also present: Cleveland Fuessenich and Brett Simmons, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation (ex-officio members)
Not Present: Collin Good, Chris Cook and Tami Ostroski
Brian began the meeting at 5:05 pm.
Jenn made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 29, 2012 meeting which was seconded. All in favor.
Brett reviewed the status of the projects at the park. The replacement of the bleachers on the right field side has been completed. Brett outlined the next projects at the park which include field improvements, a shade structure, boundless playground, new fencing and landscaping at entrance among others. The commission identified the playground, fencing and signage at the entrance and landscaping at entrance as priority projects. Jack stated that he thought an improved press box should be considered.
Brian reported that the commission had approximately $47,000 in available funds including the receipt of $5,500 in memory of Tim Considine. The commission discussed an appropriate memorial for Tim. The commission decided that a steel fence rather than an aluminum one would be appropriate for the entrance. Gary made a motion that the commission authorize Brett to move forward with a project that includes a steel entrance fence, entrance sign and landscaping that would be done after the season and the costs of these items are contained in a proposal presented by Brett and also a sign in memory of Tim which was seconded. All in favor.
The commission agreed that these plans would be discussed with the Park and Recreation Commission. Brian and Paul will discuss possible state funding with Rep. Cook. The commission will meet again once more information is obtained on these projects.
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Gary which was seconded and passed unanimously at 6:20 pm.
Paul Summers, Secretary